[Breaking News] Adar Poonawalla & Serum Institute are slapped with legal notice for compensation of around 1 Lac Crore.

Awaken India Movement’s (AIM) has asked for compensation of 1000 Crore for each members.
Poonawalla caught in trouble because of Government of India’s investigation report proving his falsity and supporting the stand taken by the AIM.
Bombay High Court posted hearing on 3rd January 2023 for adjudication of petition filed by AIM u/sec. 340 of Cr. P.C where petitioner sought issuance of arrest warrant against Adar Poonawalla & Ors.
AIM also prayed for attachment of all properties of Serum Institute & Adar Poonawalla

Mumbai:- Renowned NGO Awaken India Movement had slapped Adar Poonawalla & Serum Institute of India with a defamation notice asking them to pay compensation of Rs. 1000 Crores to each members within seven days for publishing false and defamatory materials and thereby hurting their reputation.
Awaken India Movement along with like minded NGOs like Indian Bar Assosiation (IBA) & Universal Health Organization (UHO) are fighting against covid conspiracy since last two years.
The volunteers have warned the people about death causing side effects of vaccines and also helped the victim in their legal fights for getting compensation and prosecution of accused officials of vaccine companies and government employees. Already 21 European Contries have banned covishield for death causing side effects.
In many cases High Court & Supreme Court have taken cognizance of the cases and issued notice to Union of India, Serum Institute, Adar Poonawalla, Bill Gates , Dr. Randeep Guleria and Ors.
1. Sayeeda K. A. vs UOI & Ors. 2022 SCC OnLine Ker 4531
2. Rachna Gangu vs. UOI & Ors. 2022 SCC OnLine SC 1125
3. Dilip Lunawat vs. Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. 2022 SCC OnLine Bom 1773
4. Smt. Kiran Yadav vs. The State of Maharashtra & Ors. Writ Petition (Cri.) No. 6159 of 2021
In the case of vaccine murder case of Dr. Snehal Lunawat, Bombay High Court on 26.08.2022 had Issued notice and given the copy of notice (Hamdast) to petitioner Shri. Dilip Lunawat. Said notice was served by Pune court upon accused Adar Poonawalla.
After perceiving adverse atmosphere the Serum Institute through Adar Poonawalla hatched a criminal conspiracy and started making false and defamatory allegations against members of AIM that the covishield is not having death causing side effects and death of Dr. Snehal Lunawat was not due to side effects of Covishield. Adar Poonawalla made these allegations in police complaint and requested them to arrest the members of AIM.
However, the falsity of Adar Poonawalla claim was proved by investigation report given by committee of Central Government AEFI.
In the said report, Central Government had admitted that the death of Dr. Snehal Lunawat was due to side effects of covishield vaccine. ( A1 Death )
Therefore AIM members have issued defamation notices to Serum Institute & Adar Poonawalla asking them to pay compensation of Rs. 1000 Crores to each members of AIM.
Shri. Ambar Koiri have filed a petition u/sec 340 of Cr. P. C before Bombay High Court where he had requested the court to issue arrest warrant against Adar Poonawalla & Ors. He also prayed for attaching the properties of Serum Institute & Adar Poonawalla.
High Court had fixed the herring of said petition on 3rd January 2023.
The Prayers in the application u/sec 340 of Cr. P. C. reads thus;
(i) To record a finding as per section 340 of Cr.P.C. that the accused have filed a false affidavit before this Hon’ble Court that the Covishield vaccines are completely safe and it is not yet proved that the death of Dr. Snehal Lunawat was due to side effects of covishield, however the Investigation Report of committee of Government of India on Adverse Event following Immunization (AEFI) had specifically concluded that the death of Dr. Snehal Lunawat was due to side effects of covishield vaccine; and there are many such deaths found due to side effects of Covishield vaccines, furthermore many European countries have banned said vaccine due to death causing side effects. But accused- plaintiffs Sh. Adar Poonawalla, CEO of Serum Institute and Sh. Rajesh Bhagwat, authorized representative of Serum Institute had deliberately and malafidely suppressed the relevant material facts and tried to obtain an order on the basis of false and misleading affidavit and thereby abused the process of court and committed contempt of the High Court.
The defendant no.1 to 5 were performing their constitutional duty under Article 51(A) of the constitution by spreading true information to the citizen with only intention to save their life, but accused – plaintiff had tried to get injunction from this Hon’ble Court against said truth and thereby putting the life of citizen in danger with intention to vaccinate people with false impression that it is completely safe. These acts of accused is an offence under section 201, 115, 302, 420, 471, 474, 120(B), 34, 191, 192, 193, 199, 200, 209, 469, 499, 500, 211 etc. of Indian Penal Code.
(ii) To hold that the Investigation report of AEFI committee of Government of India against plaintiff accused is an admissible evidence under section 35 of the Evidence Act as has been ruled by Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of P.C. Purushothama Reddiar Vs. Perumal 1972 (1) SCC 9
(iii) To hold that all the director and responsible officers of the Serum Institute are liable to be prosecuted for abovesaid offences as per Section 340 of Cr.P.C. and as per law laid down by this Hon’ble Court in the case of Godrej and Boyce Manufacturing Co. Pvt. Ltd. and Ors. Vs. The Union of India 1992 CriLJ 3752
(iv) To hold that the persons including media who are running conspiracy theories and false narratives to support accused-plaintiffs and misled the people with ulterior motive to give wrongful profits to accused plaintiffs are liable for same punishment as that of main conspirator as per provisions of section 120(B) of IPC r/w section 10 of the Evidence Act as has been ruled in the case of Raman Lal
Vs State 2001 Cri. L.J. 800 & CBI Vs Bhupinder 2019 SCC OnLine Bom 140.
(v) Issue non bailable warrant of arrest (NBW) against main accused Adar Poonawalla & Shri Rajesh Bhagwat and other accused officials/ directors of Serum Institute as per section 340 (1) (d) of Criminal Procedure Code as has been lain down in Arvinder Singh’s case (1998) 6SCC 352
(vi) To hold that as per section 342 of Criminal Procedure Code and also as per specific law laid down by Hon’ble Supreme Court in catena of decisions as mentioned in the present application and more particularly as per law laid down by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University Vs. Union of India 2019 SCC OnLine SC 51, Baduvan Kunhi Vs. K.M. Abdulla 2016 SCC OnLine Ker 23602, Prominent Hotels Case 2015 SCC OnLine Del 11910 , Sciemed Overseas Inc. Vs. BOC India Limited 2016(3) PUNJ L J 28 etc., the accused Serum Institute and Adar Poonawalla are liable to be saddled with the heavy cost which shall be proportionate to the cause before the court including amount of stakes involved and fees paid to the lawyers by the victims i.e. defendant here.
And considering the fact that the death of citizen due to faulty covishield vaccines of which around 150 Cr doses are administered to Indians by the plaintiffs Serum Institute by falsely representing that the said vaccines are safe and since the deaths are causing everyday, and instead of taking measures to save lives the plaintiff accused Serum Institute is filling suit by falsely claiming that their vaccines are safe and the person telling its side effects should be injuncted and penalised is an act to cheat people and force them to a danger zone by taking orders from the court which is the most heinus crime in the history and therefore the plaintiffs should be saddled with cost. Rs 1000 Crores each to be paid to defendants No. 1 to 3. Further hold that, since the accused-plaintiff values their defamation at Rs.100 crores therefore he should be directed to pay an interim cost of Rs. 1 Crores to each vaccinated people and Rs. 1000 Crores to each death and Rs. 100 Crores to each person suffering severe injuries and side effects of vaccines.
(vii) Pass an appropriate order directing attachment of the properties of Serum Institute, Adar Poonawalla and directors of company till the decision on cost and interim compensation is taken by this Hon’ble Court;
(viii) To hold that the accused plaintiffs are also guilty of committing contempt of this Hon’ble Court and they are liable to be punished under section 12 of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 r/w Article 215 of the Constitution of India in view of law laid in ABCD Vs. UOI (2020) 2 SCC 52, Re: Perry Kansangra 2022 SCC OnLine SC 858, Sciemed Overseas Inc. Vs. BOC India Limited 2016(3) PUNJ L J 28;
(ix) In view of law & ratio laid down in the case of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University v. Union of India, (2019) 14 SCC 779 pass an order to constitute an SIT with the members of CBI, ED, IB Doctors from AIIMS etc. and direct them to conduct detailed investigation and take action as per law;
(ix) As per law laid down in Lal Bahadur Gautam Vs. State of U.P. (2019) 6 SCC 441 & A Vakil: In re, 1926 SCC OnLine All 365, M. Veerbhadra Rao Vs Tek Chand AIR 1985 SC 28 record a specific findings about role, duty, responsibility and complicity of advocates of Parinam Law Associates about their act of commission & omission in filling such false & frivolous suit by suppression of material facts and false statements on affidavit;
(x) To pass any other relief which this Hon’ble court may deem appropriate and proper;
You can download the copy of the 1 Lac Crore Defamation notice issued to Adar Poonawalla Here
🙏🏽sach duri magar andhera nahi
The Right Action, We All Are With You And Have Trust In Indian Judiciary
It is a great time initiative against the malicious vaccine mafia. This will definitely first put a dent in their greed and overconfidence even if it takes time for the punishment through court verdicts to come.
The conspiracy to attack every institution of excellence in India is on. Where do these MGOs crawl out of to hamper India’s progress.? Pharma companies like Pfizer and Sinovac stand exposed with low efficacy while COVID has saved millions in India.
It was never a law under IPC, which forced people to take vaccine.
Neither it was sold to create a chaos, the whole process of producing in mass was in good faith.
ये सब publicity stunt है। AIM जैसी देश विरोधी संस्थाओं द्वारा देश के टीकाकरण कार्यक्रम को विदेशी इशारों और निर्देशों पर derail करने का प्रयास है।
Poonawala should be hanged over night due to his vaccine many are dead it is cout leads and and many are suffering from too much side effects
Indeed good step, though we treat medical team next to God as they are there to help patients however many occasions we have observed that they are purely into business by creating fear factor among the patient and their relatives which leads to high billing. Government is not taking much steps to control the nexus of big hospital, repute doctors except a normal citizens have to run and go through long judicial system. Truth must come out and full details investigation must be carried out whether the vaccine was helpful or dreadful.
Since the AIM is not at all a legal person,.How is it possible to claim a compensation for the members of unregistered organization?
Excellent AIM. Keep the spirit. Keep working for the good and safety of people. These mass murderers must be hanged to death.
I wonder why HC or Sc admits such cases?
There would have more than 1 cr of death, which these vaccine makers have prevented.
Yes. Covishield is not completely safe, so none of vaccine
Mat lo vaccine.
I like reading a post that can make people think. Also, many thanks for allowing for me to comment!