The PIL was filed on 26.09.2023.
It is likely to be heard by the Bench of Hon’ble Chief Justice Shri. Devendra Kumar Upadhyaya and Shri. Justice Arif Doctor.
The date given by the High Court Registry (CMIS Date) was 3rd October 2023. Copy of Screenshot is given below.
A copy of the PIL along with a notice for service was served upon Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Commissioner of Police & Central Government, Home Ministry. A notice dated 27.09.2023 issued by Adv. Pooja Shah with acknowledgement by Government is given below.
On 27.09.2023, Adv. Pooja Shah & Adv. Chaitanya Raote mentioned before the Bench of the Ld. Chief Justice Shri. Devendra Kumar Upadhyaya. It was pointed out that there is a possibility that the matter may not be listed on 3rd October 2023 by the Registry. Therefore, appropriate direction to be given to the Registry and a short date be fixed for hearing the case.
The Chief Justice told Adv. Pooja Shah to wait till 3rd October 2023 and if the matter is not listed, then mention it and the court will fix a date and give direction to the Registry.
Since the matter is not listed on 3rd October, therefore it is likely to be mentioned soon before the Chief Justice.