An appeal by Indian Lawyers and Human Rights Activists’ Association.
All members of bar must not vote or give any support to the persons like Adv. Manan Mishra, Adv. Nitin Thakkar or any such sycophant members of bar who are supporting the per-incuriam (anticipatory overruled) judgment of Supreme Court in NLCJTR Vs. Union of India, (2020) 16 SCC 687where it is ruled that the advocates can be convicted sentenced & sent to jail without any trial or any notice and without hearing them.
It is further said in continuance of the said judgment that if members of Bar Association tooks objection and come in support of such victim advocate then President of Bar Association shall also be punished [Vijay Kurle, In re, 2020 SCC OnLine SC 407]
Adv. Manan Mishra and members of Bar like him supporting such illegal judgments which are having direct attack upon the Independence of Bar should be asked to tender written apology to all legal fraternity.
They should be boycotted.
[Fore more details visit the official website of Indian Bar Association: