Big setback to vaccine companies and Adar Poonawalla, as many citizens started filing cases against Serum Institute and Central Government had also given its consent for the same.
After Central Government affidavit now Indian Bar Association issued guidelines and draft of complaint and petitions to be filed before local Magistrate, Civil Court, Consumer Court, High Court etc.
Citizen are also entitled to get compensation as vaccine was given to them by falsely narrating that the vaccines are completely safe and there are no major or any side effects.
Citizen can file their claim against vaccine companies and also against public servants and their office authorities who put restrictions and forced them to get vaccinated and vaccinated them by false assurance that they are completely safe.
Central Government admitted that the vaccines are having death causing and other serious side effects.
Many young people dying due to heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrest, myocarditis which is the side effects of covid vaccines.
Download the copy of the draft complaint for filing cases to get compensation which occurred due to side effects of Covid Vaccine.
Also see:- Guidelines issued by INDIAN BAR ASSOCIATION
High time Big Pharma is made to pay for its crimes against humanity for treating all humans as guinea pigs and running human trials on all of population hiding behind the garb of a Fakedemic, Scamdemic, Plandemic. Misusing govt machinery to coerce, force and compel the populace to accept an experimental, untested injection which has caused untold suffering, disability and death to thousands and millions around the world.
Big Pharma needs to be held accountable for wrecking the lives of innocents by inflicting Sudden death, Cardiac arrests, Strokes, Aggressive Cancers, Autoimmune disease etc., which has been ‘injected’ into millions and billions by these rogues and they must be held responsible. Big Pharma must be tried and the guilty must be made to pay financial compensation to damaged, disabled and relatives of the dead must be compensated for their loss.
#JailTheGuilty #DemandCompensation #VaccineInjury #VaccineDeaths
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