[Big Breaking] Anti-Corruption department of Maharashtra Police started investigation against retired Supreme Court Judges Deepak Gupta, Rohinton Nariman & Others including Bombay High Court retired Judge S. J. Kathawalla in a complaint of forgery and Rs. 400 Crores offer to complainant to withdraw the complaint.

The reply given by of office of Chief Justice of India had proved that the accused Judges forged the record of the Supreme Court in the name of then Chief Justice of India Shri. Ranjan Gogoi.
Supreme Court Lawyers Association & various Indian Bar Associations requests the Investigating Officer to recover CCTV footage and demands immediate arrest of accused Judges and Co-conspirators and to transfer the investigation to Central Bureau of Investigation and Enforcement Directorate.
The Complainant is likely to give video recordings of sting operation and other proofs against accused Judges to the investigating agencies.
New Delhi:- Anti-Corruption Department of Maharashtra Police had started investigation against Retired Supreme Court Judges & other Co-accused.
The investigation is started on the complaint given by Shri. Rashid Khan Pathan, Chairman of ‘Supreme Court & High Court Litigants Association of India’ (SC & HCLAI).
The Grievance of the Complainant
The Complainant and Adv. Vijay Kurle had filed a complaint on 19.03.2019 against Justice R.F. Nariman & Justice Vineet Saran for passing unlawful orders to serve their ulterior purposes and to help another accused Judge S. J. Kathawalla.
In order to save accused Judges from charges, one conspiracy was hatched by co-conspirator Adv. Milind Sathye of Bombay Bar Association & Kaiwan Kalyaniwlala of Bombay Incorporated Law Society and in furtherance of the said conspiracy, they sent a Joint letter dated 23.03.2019 to the Chief Justice of India.Then Chief Justice of Indian Shri Ranjan Gogoi found nothing actionable in the said letter dated 23.03.2019 by Bombay Bar Association & Bombay Incorporated Law Society and therefore the Chief Justice of India passed an order to close the said complaint.
But accused Milind Sathe & others hatched a criminal conspiracy with accused Judges Rohinton Nariman and created a forged record of Supreme Court to the effect that the then Chief Justice of India had forwarded the said complaint to the Bench of Justice R.F. Nariman.
On the basis of the said forged record, the accused Judges R.F. Nariman themselves took the cognizance of the contempt against complainant where the said Judges were accused.
When trial for contempt started, the Respondents produced all the evidences including records of the Chief Justice of India office and Supreme Court Registry.
These records were found to be destroyed/stolen by the accused Judges which is an offence under Section 409 of the IPC and accused Judges can be punished for life imprisonment. The Accused Judges pronounced the order of Conviction and sentence against Complainant on 27.04.2020.
The said conviction & sentence is challenged by the way of writ petition filed by Rashid Khan Pathan & Others. The said judgement of conviction is partly overruled by the larger bench of the Supreme Court in Re: Prashant Bhushan’s case 14 August 2020. It is specifically observed by the larger bench that the rule laid down in P.N. Duda’s case is binding on the Supreme Court and only Chief Justice can take the cognizance of Suo moto contempt on the letter sent by the parties. If the said rule is not followed, then conviction of contempt stands vitiated. Similar law is laid down in Bal Thackeray vs. Pimplekhute (2005) 1 SCC 254 & Campaign for Judicial Accountability and Reforms vs. Union of India, (2018) 1 SCC 196.
The Supreme Court stayed said sentence and the petitions are tagged with the writ petition filed by Adv. Prashant Bhushan W.P. (C) No. 1037 of 2020. Other writ petitions are Rashid Khan Pathan vs. Union of India bearing No. WP (C) No. 1377 of 2020, Adv. Vijay Kurle vs. Supreme Court of India through Secretary General & Others bearing No. WP (Cri) No. 243 of 2020 & Adv. Nilesh Ojha vs. Supreme Court of India through Secretary General & Others bearing No. WP (Cri) No. 244 of 2020.
In the meantime, two agents sent by Retd. Justice Deepak Gupta, Justice Rohinton Nariman approached Complainant at his residence and gave offers of Rs. 400 crores to settle the entire matter. There were another talks exposing the racket of Agents of corrupt Supreme Court Judges. All proofs are available with the Complainant.
The Complainant forthwith made complaint to the CBI and other authorities.
The Anti-Corruption Department of Maharashtra police on the directions given by the higher authorities started investigation.
The Complainant was summoned to produce the concerned proofs. The Complainant gave the proofs and the police recorded his statement.
You can download the copy of summons issued by the Investigating officer.
The offence disclosed against the Accused retired Judges are cognizable, non-bailable and punishable with life imprisonment and an offer of cash amount of Rs. 400 crores. The forgery and destroying of the Supreme Court records is ex-facie proved from the written communication given by the Chief Justice of India.
Therefore, various Indian Bar Association & Supreme Court lawyers Association had demanded immediate arrest of Accused Judges and co-conspirators Adv. Milind Sathye, Kaiwan Kalyaniwalla & ors.