A world renowned media house ‘Red Bull Media House’ from Austria, Europe was in India in early April 2022 and came specially to Mumbai to interview Adv. Nilesh Ojha, National President of Indian Bar Association (IBA).
Adv. Nilesh Ojha was interviewed by Dr.Martin Hadistsch (M.D., Ph.D. Microbiology, Virology, Epidemiology/ID (specialist) Infectology and Tropical Medicine (specialist / diploma by the Austrian Medical Chamber) Medical Director TravelMedCenter Leonding and Medical Head Labor Hannover MVZ GmbH), who is part of the media production team.
This interview will be included in the Part IV of the documentary ‘Corona – In Search of the truth.’ The earlier three parts of the documentary were a huge success and are now being translated into English for wider reach.
This interview was conducted to specifically cover the spectacular legal win of IBA & AIM in India against the mandates of vaccination, masks and illegal fines being collected from common man and also the cases filed for prosecution of Bill Gates and his cohorts for inflicting crimes against humanity. As per the European Media group, India is amongst one of the few countries, which has been able to stop the misuse of the Disaster Management Act completely and is giving a tough push back against the ‘Great Reset’ and ‘New World Order’ agenda of the capitalist forces. The entire fight and results were mainly through the efforts of Indian Bar Association under the stellar leadership of its National President Adv. Nilesh Ojha.
India is also the ‘only’ country in the world that has prosecuted Covishield (AstraZeneca) vaccine manufacturer and kingpin of vaccine syndicate Bill Gates along with his partner Adar Poonawala charged for vaccine Murder, wherein a capital punishment is demanded, which means death penalty for their offences against humanity, for mass murders and genocide by vaccine and other measures. The petitioner has also claimed Rs. 1,000 crores interim compensation from Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla.
IBA is also the ONLY lawyers’ association in the world that has challenged the World Health Organisation (WHO) on their pseudo science. After being served a legal notice from IBA’s Adv. Dipali Ojha, the Chief Scientist of WHO, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan was compelled to delete her tweet against the use of Ivermectin for treatment of covid-19.
The said legal notice, which can be accessed on the following link, has gained wide circulation on social media and had reached almost all the corners of the world. This was followed by a series of interviews by international personalities who were keen to discuss in details about the contents of the legal notice and the trajectory of further legal action against the WHO and other erring officials/organizations, as per the Indian laws.
The petition that IBA has assisted in filing at the Bombay High Court against the vaccine mafia for causing death of young man, who took the first dose of covishield vaccine in order to travel by railways in Mumbai and died within few hours of having administered the covishield vaccine, has been covered in great detail by acclaimed group ‘Children’s Health Defence’. The article can be accessed on the following link:
In the present times of controlled media and censorship, the initiative of Red Bull Media in visiting Mumbai to cover the legal actions initiated against the covid mandates and the resounding success of these legal actions, is truly exemplary and commendable as this would help the world to discover the truth and inspire people to initiate similar legal actions in their respective countries against the perpetrators of the crimes against humanity.
Links to know more about legal action:
Link to the website of Awaken India Movement:
The Red Bull Media team also met AIM members Mr. Ambar Koiri and Adv. Sohan Agate and congratulated them on the fight back against all odds.
Salute to all AIM WARRIORS and supporting organisations all over the world.