[Disha Salian and Sushant Singh Rajput murder case] Legal notice of defamation for compensation of Rs 19,750 crore issued to Aditya Thackeray by Petitioner Rashid Khan Pathan

Aditya Thackeray in trouble for making false, baseless and defamatory allegations in the affidavits submitted in Hon’ble High Court
Union Minister Narayan Rane, Shri. Nitesh Rane, Republican TV’s Arnab Goswami, Sushant Singh Rajput fans, witnesses in the case, complainants etc. all are likely to file cases against Aditya Thackeray across the country.
Petitioner requested to all media to not to call it suicide in cases of murder when charges are still subjudice and under investigation.
Mumbai: – A public interest litigation has been filed in the Bombay High Court to direct the police to arrest Aditya Thackeray in the Disha Salian and Sushant Singh Rajput murder case. Petitioner states that despite strong evidence of involvement of Aditya Thackrey in the crime of gang rape and murder, he was not arrested.
The petition has been filed by the President of Supreme Court & High Court Litigants Association Shri Rashid Khan Pathan. [PIL (St.) No. 17983 of 2023]
In that petition, Aditya Thackeray has filed an intervention petition and demanded that he should also be heard and made a respondent. [I.A No 19336 of 2023].
In the affidavit filed in the High Court, Aditya Thackeray made defamatory allegations against the petitioner Rashid Khan Pathan that Rashid Khan Pathan has filed the petition for extorting money from him and to give benefit to the government. It was further alleged that Rashid Khan had misused his position in the organization while filing the petition. The matter mentioned in the petition is not of wider public interest and has nothing to do with the objectives of the Supreme Court & High Court Litigants Association. Accused further said that the matter was already investigated by CBI & Police and he (Aditya Thackeray) was exonerated after investigation in both the cases, but the petitioners are trying to achieve ulterior purposes by filing this petition. As the above allegations of Aditya Thackeray are false, baseless and defamatory, therefore the petitioner Rashid Khan Pathan had filed a perjury and contempt petition against Aditya Thackeray in the High Court and demanded his arrest. [I.A. No.19612 of 2023]
With regard to the damages of defamation caused by false and baseless allegations, Rashid Khan Pathan, through his lawyer Mr. Chaitanya Raote sent a legal notice of Rs.19,750 crores to Aditya Thackeray, with conditions viz.
(i) Thackeray shall apologize and the same should be published on the front page in all leading newspapers within seven days.
(ii) A two-minute video of Aditya Thackrey tendering sincere apology to the petitioner shall be published on all leading TV channels in Marathi, Hindi & English.
(iii) to pay a compensation amount of Rs. 19,750 crores to be paid by way of Demand Draft (DD), within seven days.
Apart from this notice, a separate case under Sections 500 and 501 of the IPC will soon be filed in the Court of Uttar Pradesh and various other courts across the country, informed Rashid Khan Pathan’s lawyer, Adv. Nilesh Ojha.
Aditya Thackeray in his affidavit has also made false and defamatory allegations against Union Minister Narayan Rane, Nitesh Rane and Arnav Goswami of the Republic of India, and many witnesses, SSR fans, reporters etc. All of them can also initiate similar action at the court of jurisdiction of their residence.
Adv. Nilesh Ojha, Counsel for petitioner Rashid Khan Pathan had requested all media to not to mention the deaths as suicide as it is a case of murder and the matter is still subjudice. The CBI in his letter to Prime Minister & also Member of Rajyasabha Shri. Subramanian Swamy had clearly mentioned that in Sushant Singh Rajput’s case CBI had not accepted the theory of suicide and had not ruled out the possibility of murder.
In case of death of Disha Saliyan, the Special Investigation Team (SIT) is investigating the charges of gang rape and murder and role of Aditya Thackeray and others in the said charges.
Both the matters are subjudice before Hon’ble Bombay High Court and therefore, calling it as suicide and publishing such news is an attempt of interference in the sub-judice matter and an attempt to prejudice the case and is an offence of contempt as has been ruled by Bombay High Court in the case of Nilesh Navalakha v. Union of India, 2021 SCC OnLine Bom 56.